Varia S
€ 9.99 - 28 days
8 GB
200 minutes
within DE & from DE to 30 EU countries
EU roaming including
community flat
Varia2Varia within DE
option is automatically extended if there is sufficient credit, otherwise it ends.
option booking

Varia M
€14.99 - 28 days
15 GB
150 minutes
from Germany to 30 EU countries
100 minutes
from Germany to 35 other countries*
Allnetflat Germany
EU roaming included.
Option is automatically extended if there is sufficient credit, otherwise it ends
option booking

Varia L
€19.99 - 28 days
25 GB
LTE high-speed data volume in DE
300 minutes
from Germany to 30 EU countries
200 minutes
from Germany to 35 other countries*
Allnetflat Germany
EU roaming included.
Option is automatically extended if there is sufficient credit, otherwise it ends
option booking

Varia XL
€24.99 - 28 days
32 GB
LTE high-speed data volume in DE
300 minutes
from Germany to 30 EU countries
200 minutes
from Germany to 35 other countries*
Allnetflat Germany
EU roaming included.
Option is automatically extended if there is sufficient credit, otherwise it ends
option booking

Varia XXL
€29.99 - 28 days
46 GB
LTE high-speed data volume in DE
500 minutes
from Germany to 30 EU countries
500 minutes
from Germany to 52 other countries* /**
100 minutes
from Germany to other countries***/
Allnetflat Germany
EU roaming included.
Option is automatically extended if there is sufficient credit, otherwise it ends
option booking

Varia XXXL
€44.99 - 28 days
100 GB
LTE high-speed data volume in Germany
500 minutes
within Germany & from Germany to 30 EU countries
EU roaming included.
500 minutes
from DE to 52 other countries*/**
100 minutes
from DE to other countries ***
community flat
Varia2Varia within DE
option is automatically extended if there is sufficient credit,
option booking
The data volume for option extensions is extended automatically if there is sufficient credit. If there is insufficient credit, the option must be extended within 5 days of expiry in order to receive the extended data volume. Otherwise, the standard data volume will be extended. ausreichendem Guthaben automatisch. Bei unzureichendem Guthaben muss die Option innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach Ablauf verlängert werden, um das erweiterte Datenvolumen zu erhalten. Andernfalls wird das Standarddatenvolumen verlängert.
EU Länder - Bei Varia S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL inklusive im Rahmen des Minutenpakets

Other countries 1* - Included with Varia M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL as part of the minutes package.

Other countries 2** - With Varia XXL, XXXL additionally included as part of the minutes package

Other countries 3 *** - With Varia XXL, XXXL additionally included as part of the minutes package