Wir sind ein innovatives Telekommunikations-Unternehmen mit Sitz in Stuttgart und spezialisieren uns darauf, hochwertige SIM-Karten und Mobilfunkdienste für den ethnischen Markt anzubieten
LTE high-speed data volume in DE
from Germany to 30 EU countries
from Germany to 52 other countries* /**
from Germany to other countries***/
EU roaming included.
option booking
LTE high-speed data volume in DE
from Germany to 30 EU countries
from Germany to 35 other countries*
EU roaming included.
option booking
LTE high-speed data volume in DE
from Germany to 30 EU countries
from Germany to 35 other countries*
EU roaming including
option booking
LTE high-speed data volume in DE
within DE & from DE to 30 EU countries
EU roaming including
Varia2Varia within DE
option booking
LTE high-speed data volume in Germany
within Germany & from Germany to 30 EU countries
EU roaming included.
from DE to 52 other countries*/**
from DE to other countries ***
option booking
LTE high-speed data volume in DE
from Germany to 30 EU countries
from Germany to 35 other countries*
EU roaming included.
option booking
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Variatel bietet maßgeschneiderte Tarife für internationale Gespräche und Internetnutzung im Mobilfunkbereich. So möchte Variatel die Menschen global miteinander verbinden.
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Ich bin viel unterwegs und brauche ein starkes Netz – Variatel ist ideal für Vielreisende wie mich!
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